1998.09~2002.06 重庆交通大学(原重庆交通学院)港口航道与海岸工程专业本科学习
2002.09~2005.03 重庆交通大学(原重庆交通学院)水力学及河流动力学硕士研究生学习
2005.04~2009.06 University of Aberdeen(英国阿伯丁大学)近海工程专业博士研究生学习
2009.01~2009.06 Fisheries Research Services, Scotland(欧洲渔业研究中心苏格兰分中心)工程师(兼职)
2009.07~2011.11 University of Dundee(英国邓迪大学)土木工程系,博士后研究
2011.12~2012.03 河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院,副教授
2012.04~2015.06 河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院,青年教授
2015.07至今 河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院,教授
2013.04~2016.12 河海大学国际合作处,副处长(兼职)
2013.10~2016.12 河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院,院长助理
2017.01至今 河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院,副院长
留学生课程:Coastal Engineering
[9]Modelling of very large tidal current turbine arrays and their impact on coastal environments,中英博士教育及科研合作伙伴关系项目(留金欧[2013]6004号),2013.1~2014.12,参加人。
[1]Peng Dai, Jisheng Zhang, Jinhai Zheng. Predictions for dynamics tidal power and associated local hydrodynamics impact in the Taiwan Strait, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 2017, 33, 149-157.
[2]Jisheng Zhang, Ke Sun, Yanyan Zhai, Huashan Zhang, Chi Zhang. Physical study on interactions between waves and a well-mixed seabed. Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, 75, 198-202.
[3]Jisheng Zhang, Qianzhen Li, Cong Ding, Jinhai Zheng, Tiantian Zhang. Experimental investigation of wave-driven pore-water pressure and wave attenuation in a sandy seabed. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 8(6): 1-10.
[4]Zhou Chunyan, Zheng Jinhai, Dong Ping, Zhang Jisheng, Zhu Yuliang, Zhang Zhiheng. Tidal evolution in the Yellow and East China Sea during Holocene. Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, SI75: 785-789.
[5]Sui Titi, Zhang Chi, Guo Yakun, Zheng Jinhai, Jeng Dongsheng, Zhang Jisheng, Zhang Wei. Three-dimensional numerical model for wave-induced seabed response around mono-pile. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2016, 11(6): 667-678.
[6]Cong Ding, Jisheng Zhang, Peng Gao, Tiantian Zhang. Influence of tidal stream farm on hydrodynamics in Zhoushan demonstration project, China. The 12th ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium (ISOPE-PACOMS 2016), 4-7 October, 2016, Gold Coast, Australia.
[7]Yanyan Zhai, Jisheng Zhang, Lai Jiang, Qianchen Xie, Hao Chen. Experimental study of wave motion and pore pressure around a submerged impermeable breakwater in a sandy seabed. The 12th ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium (ISOPE-PACOMS 2016), 4-7 October, 2016, Gold Coast, Australia.
[8]Zhang Jisheng, Gao Peng, Zheng Jinhai, Wu Xiuguang, Peng Yuxuan and Zhang Tiantian. Current-induced seabed scour around a pile-supported horizontal-axis tidal stream turbine. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2015, 23(6), 929-936.
[9]Zheng Jinhai, Zhang Jisheng, Wang Jun, Tao Aifeng. Evaluation of tidal stream energy around radial sand ridge system in the Southern Yellow Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2015, 23(6), 951-956.
[10]Li Linjuan, Zheng Jinhai, Peng Yuxuan, Zhang Jisheng, Wu Xiuguang. Numerical investigation of flow motion and performance of a horizontal axis tidal turbine subjected to a steady current. China Ocean Engineering, 2015, 29(2), 209-222.
[11]Zhang Jisheng, Zheng Jinhai, Jeng Dong-Sheng and Guo Yakun. Numerical simulation of solitary wave propagation over a steady current. ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 2015, 141(3): 04014041.
[12]Zhang Jisheng, Zhang Yu, Jeng Dongsheng, Liu Pilips Li-Fan, Zhang Chi. Numerical simulation of wave-current interaction using a RANS solver. Ocean Engineering, 2014, 74, 157-164.
[13]Zhang Jisheng, Zheng Jinhai, Zhang Chi, Jeng Dongsheng, Guo Yakun. Numerical study on the interaction between waves and twin pipelines in sandy seabed. Journal of Coastal Research, 2013, Special Issue No. 65, 428-433.
[14]Zhang Jisheng, Zhang Yu, Zhang Chi, Jeng Dongsheng. Numerical modeling of seabed response to combined wave-current loading. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2013, 135(3), 4027955.
[15]Jeng Dong-Sheng, Jianhong Ye, Jisheng Zhang, Liu Pilips Li-Fan. An integrated model for the wave-induced seabed response around marine structures: model verifications and applications. Coastal Engineering, 2013, 72, 1-19.
[16]Zhang Jisheng, Zheng Jinhai, Jeng Dongsheng, Wang Gang. Numerical simulation of solitary wave induced flow motion around a permeable submerged breakwater. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012. (doi:10.1155/2012/508754)
[17]Zhang Jisheng, Jeng Dongsheng, Liu Pilips Li-Fan, Zhang Chi. Response of a porous seabed to water waves over permeable submerged breakwaters with Bragg reflection. Ocean Engineering, 2012, 43, 1-12.
[18]Guo Yakun, Wu Xiuguang, Pan Cunhong, Zhang Jisheng. Numerical simulation of the tidal flow and suspended sediment transport in the Qiantang Estuary. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 2012, 138(3), 192-202.
[19]Zhang Jisheng, Zhang Yu, Jeng Dongsheng, Zhang Chi. Numerical modeling of seabed response to combined wave-current loading. The 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 1-6 July, 2012, Rio de janeiro, Brazil.
[20]Zhang Jisheng, Zhang Chi, Jeng Dongsheng. Three-dimensional model for wave-induced dynamic pore pressure around monopile foundation. The 10th International Conference on Numerical, Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 19-25 September, 2012, Kos, Greece.
[21]Zhang Jisheng, Jeng Dongsheng, Liu Pilips Li-Fan. Numerical study for waves propagating over a porous seabed around a submerged permeable breakwater: PORO-WSSI II model. Ocean Engineering, 2011, 38(7), 954-966.
[22]Zhang Chi, Zheng Jinhai, Wang Yigang, Zhang Mengtao, Jeng Dong-sheng and Zhang Jisheng. Comparison of turbulence schemes for predicting wave-induced near-bed sediment suspension above a plane bed. China Ocean Engineering, 2011, 25(3), 395-412
[23]Zhang Jisheng, Wang Bo, Jeng Dongsheng, Liu Pilips Li-Fan. An integrated model of wave-seabed-structure interaction. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Serial B, 2010, 22(5 Suppl. 1), 126-131.
[24]Zhang Jisheng, Wang Bo, Jeng Dongsheng, Guo Yakun. Numerical modeling of wave motion and seabed response around a submerged porous breakwater. The 20th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 20-26 June 2010, Beijing, China.
[25]Guo Yakun, Zhang Jisheng, Zhang Lixiang. Numerical simulation of 3D flow around an overlapping cylinder. Proceedings of ICE - Maritime Engineering, 2010, 163(2), 49-56.
[26]Guo Yakun, Zhang Jisheng. Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics in the Southampton Water. The 6th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, 23-25 June 2010, Athens, Greece.
[27]Guo Yakun, Zhang Jisheng, Zhang Lixiang, Shen Yongming. Computational investigation of typhoon-induced storm surge in the Hangzhou Bay, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2009, 85(4), 530-536.
[28]Zhang Jisheng, Guo Yakun, Shen Yongming, Zhang Lixiang. Numerical simulation of flushing of trapped salt water from a bar-blocked estuary. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 2008, 134(11), 1671-1676.
[29]Zhang Jisheng, Guo Yakun, Wang Pingyi. Effects of sediment concentration and initial phosphorus loading on phosphate adsorption in the Chongqing Reach of the Yangtze River. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 2008, 134(7), 585-589.
[30]Guo Yakun, Zhang Lixiang, Shen Yongming, Zhang Jisheng. Modeling study of free overfall in a rectangular channel with strip roughness. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 2008, 134(5), 664-667.
[31]Jing Hefang, Guo Yakun, Li C, Zhang Jisheng. Three dimensional numerical simulation of compound meandering open channel flow by Reynolds stress model. International Journal for Numerical Method in Fluids, 2008, 59(8), 927-943.
[1]留学生研究生课程《Coastal Engineering》入选2016年高校省级全英文授课精品课程
[2]期刊论文“An integrated model for the wave-induced seabed response around marine structures: model verifications and applications”入选《Coastal Engineering》2016年度的Highly Cited Research Paper
[3]江苏省“六大人才高峰” 第十二批高层次人才选拔培养对象(2015年)
[3]国际期刊《Journal of Water Resource and Ocean Science》编辑委员会委员(2017.1至今)
[4]国际期刊《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》编辑委员会委员(2017.1至今)
[8]英国土木工程师协会(Institution of Civil Engineers, UK)毕业生会员